VIII Art of research

at Aalto University

Full Papers

Below you will find direct links to full papers presented at the conference (in alphabetical order)

Biagini, Gianluigi (2024) Replacing Donna Haraway. A profanation.

Blair, Jessica (2024) The Exhibition as Assessment: Design Research in Architectural History.

Bradfield, Marsha K. (2024)  Future (Re)view – Re-ing and (Re)reading “Future (Re)vision: A Few Reflections on Recollection, Reception and Response in Practice-Based Art Research or: Hindsight isn’t always 20/20”.

Hamer, Carla (2024) Reimagining Past Histories and Experiences through Performative Photography and Auto-ethnography.

Chiquinque Agreda, Susana Patricia et al. (2024) Inter-Weavings of Practice and Research in the Tšombiach (Woven Sashes) of the Kamëntŝa Biya People.

Dolejšová, Marketa et al.  (2024) Feral Experiments in CreaTures Co-Laboratory.

Felsing, Ulrike & Murielle Cornut (2024) Re-Imagining the Collection of the Kreis Family  Field  Museum of Extinction: The Field Ornithology Collection.

Gomez, Sara (2024) When Eros Drives Artistic Research.

Gouveia, Patricia (2024) My journey through the 1980s and 1990s as an art student and young artist 

Järdemar, Cecilia, Freddy Tsimba, Rob Comber  (2024) Maye Ma Leka – Reframing Congolese- Swedish Colonial Entaglements.

Juhola, Katja (2024) Forest Disputes: Socially Engaged Art and Forest Science for Understanding Sustainability Challenges.

Kocsis, Anita et al. (2024) From Art Introspection to Selfie Co-creation: Looking for Clues from O’Doherty’s “Inside the White Cube” to Improve Evaluation and Design in the Attention-Experience Economy.

Lindgren, Tommy Kai (2024) Primed Figures – Reimagining Architectural Drawings as Technological Mediators.

Mahler, Laureen (2024)  Traversing the Unknown in Research through Art and Design.

Maier, Danica et al.  (2024) Returns: Back Stitch Methodology as a Reflective Approach to Artistic Research.

Martins, D. (2024) Collective Care Towards Homeostasis in the Collective Body.

McNab, Janice (2024) Our Spectral Gardens: Hilma af Klint’s ‘Ten Largest’ as a template for our synthetic present. 

Oktay, Nezli (2024) Creating Intimate Places for Close by Heart but Physically Apart People Through Remote Embodiments.

Pott, Emily (2024)  Re-imagining Artists’ Relationships with the Past: Recreation, Attention, Transformation. 

Spielmann, Max, Andrea Iten, Catherine Walthard and Daniel Hug (2024) Betwixt and Between: How the Covid-19 Pandemic changed Media and Education.

Suomi, Maiju & Maarit Mäkelä (2024) Exploring Ecological Relationality Through Architectural Practice.

Turtola, Niina (2024) Contextualisation of an unpublished document as text collage and experimental writing: Tate Jukka and Pekka (2016).

van IJken, Judith (2024) Sleutelen as photographic gesture.

Vega, Luis, et al. (2024) Making Things that Change: Reconsidering the Fluid Nature of Creative Productions in Research through Art, Design, and Craft.